Autorun Organizer Version History
v. 6.0 21/01/2025
- When selecting a custom display mode for startup applications (using the Custom button on the top panel), the selected application types are no longer reset when switching to other display modes.
- The Undo Changes Center window (for restoring backups) has been updated.
- The product no longer uses VBScript scripts due to Microsoft's plans to phase out its use in Windows.
- Bug fixed: The search field slightly shifted after the program window was displayed.
v. 5.46 03/11/2024
- Fixed bugs.
v. 5.45 26/09/2024
- In the notification section (under the bell icon), you can now find news from the official program blog and educational articles.
- Tooltips, which appear in different parts of the program to help users learn how to use it most effectively, have been improved. A close button and a button to respond to program requests directly within the tooltip have been added.
v. 5.41 05/07/2024
- Undo Changes Center: It is possible to resize the internal parts of the window.
v. 5.40 17/05/2024
- Automatic program update.
- Bugs fixed:
- The disabled startup applications were not excluded from the optimization recommendations.
- When exiting the bulk startup applications changing mode, the service icons disappeared from the applications’ list.
v. 5.39 16/11/2023
- Improved the update checking mechanism for Autorun Organizer itself.
v. 5.38 19/09/2023
- Bug fixed: It was impossible to remove RunOnceEx type items.
v. 5.37 08/06/2023
- Bug fixed: The system load time measurement function did not work, as well as other functions that work in the background.
v. 5.36 25/05/2023
- Notification Center: A single location in the program where it collects notifications. Now you can see the information messages, tips, and hints from the program whenever you want, not just when they appear.
- Improvements in working with user-provided interface translations.
v. 5.30 01/03/2023
- Ability to change the startup type (automatic or manual) for autorun applications of type Service.
- Improved descriptions of autorun applications of types Service and Driver.
- Usability improvement: Where possible, modal information windows (which require a button to be pressed) have been replaced with short-lived background windows that do not require a user response.
- Bugs fixed:
- The "Notifications" switch (about adding new applications to the startup) might not work the proper way.
- The state of the "Do not Notify Me about Adding to the Startup" checkbox might have been reset on it own after some time.
- Canceling the delayed state for a service did not work if it was delayed not through Autorun Organizer.
v. 5.20 30/11/2022
- Minor improvements.
v. 5.19 13/07/2022
- For applications that can be optimized a context menu command has been added to exclude them from the optimization recommendation.
- For switches, the enabled state is now displayed on the right, not left to match similar switches in the Windows interface.
- Dark theme minor visual improvements.
- Bug fixed: Under the dark theme, some auxiliary windows were displayed in colors matching the light theme.
v. 5.18 23/05/2022
- Optimization for high DPI monitors. Larger interface icons are now used under the systems where the higher system fonts scale is set. This helps to keep the interface proportional. Applies to the status bar and other places across the program.
- Improved interface tips shown when you are using the program.
- Windows Vista is no longer supported.
v. 5.17 16/03/2022
- The built-in updater has been improved.
v. 5.16 07/03/2022
- Interface hints improvements (The menu item that pointed by the hint is placed in a frame for clarity).
- For more applications it is now possible to immediately proceed to uninstall or view the application's registry key.
v. 5.15 31/12/2021
- Interface hints improvements (The menu item that pointed by the hint is placed in a frame for clarity).
- For more applications it is now possible to immediately proceed to uninstall or view the application's registry key.
v. 5.13 13/12/2021
- A new command added allowing to mark all entries at once as old.
- Installer: In the "File version" field of the file properties the actual product's version is now displayed.
v. 5.12 26/10/2021
- New installer version.
- Minor improvements.
v. 5.11 06/01/2021
- A new "Background Functions..." command has been added to the tray icon menu.
- An ability to choose any of the program's unofficial translations variety has been added to Settings.
v. 5.10 03/05/2021
- Redesigned and improved system load time measurement function.
- You can manage all the background tasks of the application, as well as autorun of the Autorun Organizer itself through the new Background Tasks settings section.
- Bug fixed: When the notification about a suspicious startup entry appeared, clicking the Disable at Startup button in the notification did not work.
v. 5.02 02/11/2021
- Bug fixed: The list could contain invalid services entries, which cannot be removed.
v. 5.01 12/24/2020
- The applications list icons were optimized for the dark theme.
v. 5.0 12/16/2020
- Smart disabling support. A startup item disabled this way does not disappear from the system, but only stops starting automatically (available under Windows 10 and 8.1).
- Ability to uninstall the program that the startup item belongs to. (This applies only for items associated with the programs registered in the corresponding registry keys).
- Now the startup item can be deleted either in the usual way or with the protection from its reappearance in the system. To delete the item the second way, the corresponding command is added to the item's context menu.
- Support for the Windows 10 and 8.1 services running in protected launch mode. Such services cannot be modified, which is now reflected in the user interface.
- For some types of startup items such as Task Scheduler entries, these new context menu commands have been added: "Prevent Changing the Delay Time" (for the delayed items) and "Prevent Re-Enabling" (for the disabled ones).
- For the startup items associated with the registered applications, the context menu command is now available allowing you to open the item's uninstall key in the registry editor.
- The new "Re-Show the Interface Hints" command in the HELP section of the Main Menu.
- Usability improvements.
v. 4.46 16/11/2020
- Bug fixed: The integration with the Virustotal service did not work.
v. 4.45 10/20/2020
- All data is now downloaded over a secure protocol (https).
v. 4.44 09/14/2020
- Visual interface changes (the search field and menu button icons).
v. 4.43 08/13/2020
- Bug fixed: The VirusTotal checking result text field didn't fit completely.
v. 4.42 08/11/2020
- Earlier when installing a new version of Autorun Organizer if the file could not be replaced, the error message "DeleteFile failed - code 5" used to be displayed. Now you will be prompted to restart the system in order to complete the update instead.
- Windows XP is no longer supported.
v. 4.41 05/07/2020
- Dark interface theme improvements.
v. 4.40 04/21/2020
- Dark interface theme.
- Improved look of the new startup items notifications.
v. 4.30 02/27/2020
- Code optimization.
v. 4.20 01/21/2020
- The priority level which delayed programs are launched with has been changed from THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL to THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL that is better suites for interactive (instead of background) programs.
- Bug fixed: When excluding the item from the optimization recommendation the exclusion does not happen if the item is not displaying in the list.
v. 4.10 11/29/2019
- Improved main window layout. More space is available now for the applications list.
- Optimization of the main menu that is available through the button with the three horizontal lines ("sandwich").
v. 4.01 11/14/2019
- A new setting "Skip the User Account Control warning" added. When enabled, you will be able to launch Autorun Organizer using the Desktop shortcut without the User Account Control warning.
v. 4.0 11/07/2019
- The program has been moved to the 64-bit architecture (the previous program versions were 32-bit, but 64-bit Windows was fully supported). This gives the speed up of up to 20% on specific operations, such as working with the system registry (in case your Windows is 64-bit too).
v. 3.14 23/10/2019
- Fixed bugs.
v. 3.13 08/23/2019
- Fixed bugs.
v. 3.12 08/07/2019
- The new compiler is used. The program's size is reduced by 2 Mb.
v. 3.11 07/31/2019
- A button to delete a startup application has been renamed to Remove and Disable to emphasize that not only removal will be done, but also adding this application to the startup will be prevented in the future.
- Fixed bugs.
v. 3.10 05/27/2019
- Internal changes.
v. 3.09 04/10/2019
- Internal changes.
v. 3.08 02/25/2019
- Internal changes.
v. 3.07 12/12/2019
- Installer improvement. Added the ability (by setting a corresponding flag option at the uninstall) to remove all Autorun Organizer's data and settings from the system when uninstalling it.
- Bug fixed: In some cases under the 64-bit operating system the shortcuts pointing to the file in the Program Files folder could be incorrectly recognized as invalid.
v. 3.06 02/02/2019
- Installer improvements.
v. 3.05 12/12/2018
- Online services interaction improvements.
- The interaction with VirusTotal, a service for online checking for viruses has been improved.
- Installer improvements.
v. 3.02 10/26/2018
- Internal changes.
v. 3.01 09/14/2018
- The program's look has been enhanced if using the Classic theme under Windows XP-7.
- The new startup applications notifications function has been improved.
v. 3.0 08/31/2018
- Notifications about adding applications to the startup including their cloud antivirus analysis.
v. 2.47 16/05/2018
- Installer improvements.
v. 2.46 05/10/2018
- Internal changes.
v. 2.45 04/03/2018
- Internal changes.
v. 2.41 11/08/2017
- Bug fixed: Some applications that automatically starts from Task Scheduler could be incorrectly recognized as erroneous and marked red although they are correct.
v. 2.40 11/01/2017
- More relevant search results are shown when using the Search Online command on the entry.
- The entries, which have large and slight number of anti-viruses detections now highlighted with the different colors.
- Bug fixed: When using the Delay Load for... command the delayed entry could be duplicated in the system.
- Bug fixed: The removed startup entries have not been displayed in the Undoing Changes Center.
v. 2.37 08/09/2017
- Now you may permanently exclude the applications from the optimization. To do this click on the cross at the right of the application in the the recommendations window.
v. 2.36 07/25/2017
- Updating of some interface elements.
v. 2.35 03/27/2017
- When using the Search Internet context menu command the product name instead of the entry's name is passed to the search engine. This often gives more relevant results.
- When using the Search Internet context menu command for the entries, which are calling the third-party code by way of using the rundll32.exe program, the search results for the actually called module is shown instead of rundll32.exe.
- The Windows services are not shown now in the startup items list by default. To display them click "all startup locations" in the upper part of the tool.
v. 2.30 02/22/2017
- Detecting the larger number of incorrect startup entries. Such entries are marked red in the list and recommended for removal.
v. 2.29 12/13/2016
- The correct recognition of the system commands without the extension and the path, for example: subst w: "D:\some\path\" in the startup.
- Bug fixed: in was not possible to delay the items, which had in the names the characters prohibited in the file names, for example "?".
v. 2.28 11/10/2016
- Installer improvements.
v. 2.27 10/11/2016
- Moving the service to the 64-bit architecture (of running under the 64-bit system). In some cases this leads to the faster service work.
v. 2.26 09/29/2016
- Minor corrections.
v. 2.25 09/19/2016
- Bug fixed: On some systems running Windows 10 if the system startup optimization is enabled, the turning off of the computer could take more time than usually.
v. 2.24 08/29/2016
- The multi-language support module improvements.
v. 2.23 07/25/2016
- Bug fixed: The product's version could be displayed incorrectly on some systems.
v. 2.22 07/18/2016
- Minor improvements.
v. 2.21 03/28/2016
- The startup impact is now shown for a larger number of items.
v. 2.20 03/22/2016
- The applications which has a big impact on the startup are marked in the list with the arrow (available in Windows 10/8).
- Now it is possible to restore using the Undoing Changes Center the startup entries you ever removed. With it it is also easy to cancel the performed optimizations of the startup entries in case this is necessary.
- Bug fixed: If larger system fonts are enabled in Windows 10/8.1, the program's windows have been blurred.
v. 2.15 11/23/2015
- The program's installation script has been improved.
v. 2.14 09/15/2015
- Support of users translations of the program into the other languages. If you want to translate Autorun Organizer into the another language, please visit
v. 2.12 07/03/2015
- The automatically started Windows services are also shown in the list by default. Previously, to view them it was necessary to change the option.
- Bug fixed: A standard button for minimizing the application was disabled.
v. 2.11 05/12/2015
- The problem with the application's digital signature has been fixed.
v. 2.10
- Anti-virus check of the startup applications using the VirusTotal service.
v. 2.0
- Support of the new startup locations: Services and Drivers. Autorun Organizer allows to to configure the delayed launch of the applications from these locations as for other startup applications.
- When displaying entries which are calling the third-party code by way of using the rundll32.exe program, the information about the actually called module is shown instead of rundll32.exe.
- A command for removing the selected entry has been added to the startup items list.
- Bug fixed: In some cases the new entries were not shown in the separate group as is customary in the program.
v. 1.12
- Minor bug fixes.
v. 1.02
- Bug fixed: Some interface parts does not displayed correctly under the Classic Windows theme.
- Bug fixed: After delaying some programs a superfluous window might occur on their loading after logging to the system.
v. 1.01
- Some minor changes.
v. 1.0
- The first program release.