
If you see an empty window when launching Reg Organizer

January 10, 2025 (updated 2 hours ago) by Chemtable Software

When launching Reg Organizer on some computers, instead of the normal main window, it appears blank, almost completely white (or completely black if the dark theme is used).

This happens due to incompatibility between the graphics output mechanism used in the program and the video card driver.

While we are looking for a universal solution that will eliminate this problem in all cases, you can use the fix provided below.

It involves disabling the software rendering mode, also known as WARP. This will resolve the described issue.

You can disable it for Reg Organizer either by running a special program or by manually creating a registry parameter. Choose the method that is more convenient for you.

By Running the Program

Download our special program:


All it does is create a service parameter in the registry key of Reg Organizer.

Run it, and then click the only button:

Now you can use Reg Organizer without any problems.

By Creating a Registry Parameter

If you do not want to download and run the above program, you can create the registry parameter manually.

Find the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARE\ChemTable Software\Reg Organizer\SettingsEx

Create the parameter UseWarpMode of type REG_DWORD with a value of 0 (zero).

Now launch Reg Organizer and check: the problem should be resolved.