
Prepare your PC for self-isolation (+Gift)

April 08, 2020 (updated 6 months ago) by Chemtable Software

While working from home or during a forced leave, unexpected situations may occur, including issues with your computer. To avoid them, get ready in advance by taking several simple preventive measures.

1. Remove All Unneeded Applications To Free Up Resources And Disk Space

Soft Organizer Pro, or the built-in Reg Organizer uninstaller for complete removal of applications will help.

Soft Organizer Pro

You will be able not only to free up enough disk space but also to free up the CPU and RAM if some unneeded applications start together with the operating system.

2. Inspect Your Personal Data And Delete Unnecessary Files And Folders

This procedure often helps to free up huge amounts of disk space. Look in the folder with the movies you watched long ago, or your collection of installed video games.

Files Inspector Pro

For sure, there is something that you can delete without any regret, and Files Inspector Pro will help with it.

3. Make Sure That All Software Updates Are Installed

The latest versions of the products are extremely important, as they have the maximum protection and are often the most stable. Fewer vulnerabilities and errors in the system and programs mean fewer potential problems during work.

The Gift

Well, to make you not so sad at all, we offer free licenses for Soft Organizer Pro and Files Inspector Pro. These licenses have no time limit but are available only for the specified versions.

Soft Organizer Pro 7.52: A55H7K-RGCS4F-UB2PWB-LD3D4G-SFEASX-772GQY
Files Inspector Pro 1.40: CQTVB4Z-2HN4H-WESFE-J964G-F9EQQ-3YWE2-KC4AJ

If it is time for you to renew your license for one of these products for using the latest version, you can use these two for free until the next update.


By the way, at the moment, we are working on a new version of Soft Organizer 8.0, which will be slightly faster than the current version, and will remove traces more efficiently. We will tell you about the details later, so stay tuned for updates.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and try to stay at home.