
How to tidy up your windows autostart

May 17, 2017 (updated 5 months ago)

In our article about removing unused programs, we explained that this also helps to wipe out unnecessary elements from Windows autostart and free some resources. There are applications you don’t use very often, but they do launch with Windows and stay in memory all the time, waiting for your commands. Simply put, they needlessly eat up the resources of the computer.

The most efficient system disk space cleanup

(updated 5 months ago)

The second most important way to free up system resources is to free up disk space on the system disk. Many modern notebooks have SSD storage – either 120 or 256 GB. This volume is often not enough, because the disk space tends to disappear very quickly. In this case, we need to make room on the disk.

Removing unnecessary programs and their residues (traces)

(updated 5 months ago)

One of the most efficient ways to keep the system working and stable is removing unused and unnecessary programs. The reason is simple: such programs usually do not just take up space on your disk drives, but also load their modules on every start of Windows. They stay resident in the memory and even execute some tasks in the background.

7 steps to increase your Windows performance

August 09, 2012 (updated 5 months ago)

Запись создана ради видимости в программе (InAppVisible). Редиректится на другой раздел на уровне сервера.