
Removing unnecessary programs and their residues (traces)

May 17, 2017 (updated 6 months ago) by Chemtable Software

One of the most efficient ways to keep the system working and stable is removing unused and unnecessary programs. The reason is simple: such programs usually do not just take up space on your disk drives, but also load their modules on every start of Windows. They stay resident in the memory and even execute some tasks in the background.

To free resources of your computer for more important tasks, you need to determine which programs you don’t use anymore.

To do this, open the Program removal tool in Reg Organizer (or simply run Soft Organizer, if you use it) and check the list of installed programs.

Then, check the list to find programs you don’t use anymore and simply uninstall them.

After the standard application uninstaller tool finishes, Reg Organizer (or Soft Organizer) finds and removes all residues of the uninstalled program (on disks and in the system registry) and frees up some space.